Keyboard Maestro is a phenomenal macro utility for Mac OS X. It is available from Stairways Software.
This site is focused on collecting, organizing, supporting and downloading Keyboard Maestro macros. Tutorials cover the basics of creating and customizing macros. The idea for a repository came about due to a message on the Keyboard Maestro Yahoo Group.
My intention is to have the macros be free to download, and the site will take donations. If donations end up covering my costs, the site will remain free to use. If costs aren’t covered, then some macros will be made commercial, in order to keep the site running. Please consider making a donation to keep this resource freely available to the Keyboard Maestro community.
If you have macros that you would like to upload and support, I’d love to have you take part in our community. To participate, you should prepare the following:
- The macro itself, tested and vetted—the macro should be your original creation, or you should have permission to publish it
- If the macro is a improved version of an existing one, please include a link to the original
- A text description of the macro’s functionality and use
- A screenshot of the macro
- Optional: a movie of the macro in use, uploaded to YouTube
- Preferable: your agreement to support the macro by responding to questions
Then, use the contact form to let me know that you are ready to upload your macro(s) and let me know the name that you registered here on the site. I’ll approve your account, and I’ll send you a tutorial on how to upload your macro.
Thanks for sharing and supporting the site and other Keyboard Maestro users!
About This Site
Thank you to WordPress, bbPress and especially Pippin Williamson of Easy Digital Downloads for their help in getting the software for this site running smoothly!